Cara & Jayden
“The Adventure Package”

Love Story
Cara and Jayden tried so hard to avoid meeting…
But after several dodged phone calls and cancelled meetings, they finally met. Cara, the ever-fun and smiley person that she is, broke Jayden’s “mean streak” on the day that they finally managed to schedule a meeting. The moment she walked in the door, Jayden was stunned. She was radiating joy and was absolutely stunning, so he had to get to know her better.
Their first date consisted of coffee and an evening walk at the beach, under the stars (just like in the movies!). Their love has been so amazing and so strong, that even an unexpected rainy elopementin Queenstown can turn into the most romantic day of their lives.
“Falling in love with him will forever be my favourite time. It was so unexpected. I still read our old messages to relive those moments. This amazing person just appeared into my life.” – Cara
Accommodation: Gucci House (Arthur’s Point Airbnb)
Ceremony: Deer Park Heights
Couple’s Photos: Deer Park Heights
On the day
It was mid-morning when I met with Cara and Jayden with their friends at the Gucci house in Arthur’s Point. The women were getting ready together at a separate wing of the house. Everyone was having fun! Just chatting, and laughing with the music on while the boys were having a drink. After getting ready, I drove the girls to Deer Park Heights for the ceremony and Jayden and the boys went separately. We were blasting music in the car, singing along and just setting the mood for a stress-free and super fun elopement (we even saw baby goats along the way which the girls absolutely loved).
But even before we started the ceremony, it started raining. Some people may be put off by an unexpected rainy elopement, but not this couple. It just made their wedding day even more romantic! One of Cara’s friends played their guitar while she was walking towards Jayden, and with little droplets of rain, it looked straight out of a movie. After an amazing ceremony with the awesome Andrew Bell, the rain stopped. I stayed behind with the newlyweds for their Couple Photos, while their friends went back to the house to fix it up for the after-party.
When we got back to the house, everything looked amazing. Cara and Jayden then cut their heart-shaped wedding cake, and we all went out on the lawn for their first dance. When we got back in, the girls busted out microphones and we ended the day with karaoke.

Celebrant: Andrew Bell / @andrewbellcelebrant
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